Marines Guns Load, Guns To Fight, American Birds
One Nut To Stand, Dogwood Trees, Monkey Rites 2016
Dream Life, Once Right, Freddy Allen......Pieces of a Dream -
Black and white matters, happy dazes again, tips to share, glory days done. Turns and bumps in the road, paths taken for the lessons on the way, classes on love and hate, classes on the beaches, classes on the sands of time. Happy Valentine day, every day, happy birthdays also, friends and frogs with hearts, new lovers and dates on the sands of time, have so much to say, and have said it once...Hoping Hills: Wonderful day on earth, thankful still for gifts of present, another day on the right side of the grave. Why wait for the rain to stop?Learn how to dance in the rain, it raining, and it pouring . Blue note, blue lights, specials of the young... more »To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of chances taken to bring lights on these matters. Sad and blue about the lack of growth. Same stories, different dazes, life on the beach, in a dated RV alone. Sad for the frogs kissed for the chance to change, windows always open, to flip the coins to brighter dazes. Paths not taken, the high roads, hands out to help a frog or a fish, get on the ships of dreams.
Takes a lot of bullshit from Rachel, Sheri, Sima, and son Charles R. Jarrot, just because of lover of hate, and tainted views. To me, while I lived the RV camping life with Steven as my caretaker, he wanted to be my boyfriend, and he was not given that title, that is the one that he stole, to excuse the fingers pointed at me and my views, something better kept in the dark, for him and his family. Have so much more to work up and work out of my life still, was thankful for the lessons learned, and the one trip on the dark, ugly, and hateful lifestyle for women or guys that want to believe in fake people like him.
Enough. Blogs, tweets, and questions and answers on yahoo, to address the darkness of my life now, and back when stuck in a coffin, with Steven Jarrot, the gay and happy down low, saint and sinner warped in his skin. Excuses, and third party views are truths, and gospel to him about the life we had together. Stuck in a coffin with Steve, was my worst time on the cross up to date, in my life. Sad stories to share, to hope that others do not lose as much as I did.
Devils And Angels, Horns And Halos, Snakes And Frogs, Empty Nests, Crooks And Robbers, Boys And Guns, Knights In Training. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of heart, hands in the air, angels in acts and deeds, earth angels to stay, pages to turn. Hearts and horns, joys and pains, love and hate, cards to flip, dances in the winds. Happy and delights, life on the beach, joys and pains, bumps in the roads, lessons learned, classes of dogs, classes of bitches, five stars, hits and misses. Pages to turn, tales to share, joys and pains, balloons and birds, bees and butterflies, jumps for joy, games on time, games with snakes, games and balls, balls in the air, joys and pains, tales told.
You can share your views are not, these are written history, okay you know, recorded.Games to play, cards on the table, dice to roll, poker players, or not, good times, cheers. Time to turn around, time to take a fall, time to get back up. Hackers to snakes, monkeys to dodge, cows, cattle callers, crooks, robbers, love and hate, horns to blow, goats and sheep, dances in the dark. Ghost writers, joys and pains in the dark, gifts of history, written and record. Spooks at the doors, angels in the rays of sunlight. Bumps in the road, tricks and trades. Frogs and snakes in the dogwood trees. Monkeys, tigers and snakes, birthdays every day. Holidays in the rain. Fruits and nuts, monkeys and snakes, in the mirrors on the wall. Jokers and poker players to the right, gates of hell.
Horses, Donkeys, And Jackasses, Rach Jay, Sheri And Rachel Jarrot. .....giant dachshund: Dicks and dogs, movies to make, Rach Jay, slut for the moments, love and hate, wigs and caps, horns to hide. Bitches in heat, dykes and fag hags, joys and pains, lots of love to share, nuts on the run. Rats to races, dogs and fleas, tricks and bitches in heat. Movies of sluts, cheap tricks, free rides: 'moves to brooklyn' in this absurdly out-of-proportion photo series....
Sorry for your loss, angels in the sky now....Thanks, veterans, members in the military:great service, disco G. I. Joe, on land or seas, fighting the good fights, so we stay free, brave military dances to do. Wonderful Rach Jay, Rachellyn1010 also, Rachel Jarrot, bones in box? Sad story, sad day for the dead, sad day for the people left behind, less the expense of a box of bones to bury. Maybe an arm or maybe just a hand left for the box of bones, gifts send back to sender, when you expire. Day of the dead, another one, and more to come, it is in the cycles of life that we live.
Devils And Angels, Horns And Halos, Snakes And Frogs, Empty Nests, Crooks And Robbers, Boys And Guns, Knights In Training. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of heart, hands in the air, angels in acts and deeds, earth angels to stay, pages to turn. Hearts and horns, joys and pains, love and hate, cards to flip, dances in the winds. Happy and delights, life on the beach, joys and pains, bumps in the roads, lessons learned, classes of dogs, classes of bitches, five stars, hits and misses. Pages to turn, tales to share, joys and pains, balloons and birds, bees and butterflies, jumps for joy, games on time, games with snakes, games and balls, balls in the air, joys and pains, tales told.
More veterans stories, about dates with snakes, part of army of frogs. Gifts to share, stories to tell, trips to hell and back. Almost lost their way back, fairies with broken wings. Tricked and pimped, for cattle and buffalo, told to keep mouth shut, just smile for the clowns, frogs that role play. The prince of darkness, Ĺ•ipe and young, Steven Jarrot. Born on the 4th, it was a dog on the table, not a frog this time. Love and devotion taken for a spin, truth and honest, on the coins. Love and hate, horns of a goat, on a boat, on a plane, in a RV. New story to create to share, the joy and pains of new ways to walk tall.
Ways and means used to get over the losses were written and posted on internet in pen names, to deal with the little deaths that have occurred with me, and this was one way to deal with all the questions that I had for this time of March -May 2013. smithuritza.blogspot.com/.../lets-make-...Let's Make Out/***** Out of Box Please. Steven Jay Jarrot : Owner/Consultant; lovemygems@yahoo.com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION.760 851 2267:StevenJarrot@gmail.com..radaris.com/p/Steven/Jarrot/760 360 1613...Transportation Company up and running, girls to Vegas, and group sex by bus, or RV, we will get you there all sexed up, and ready to party on in Vegas or a place of your choosing.
Hands out for help, hands out to harm, hands out for more, life on the beach. Life on the outside, friends and family, faces on the outside, of the dreams, dogs and monkeys for the jobs, gifts of time to spare. Working for the cash to live, trading time for check, cycles of daily events. Hope and happiness, coins to toss, goodness and mercy, angels in host, guns to battles, wars to win. Gifts in words, stories to share, Marines at battles, Marines at wars. Homes and houses, blue star steel, houses and homes, gifts to share, wars and battles for the veterans, homes with bed bugs.
Singing Songs, Monkeys to dodge, Jewish Hits, Hogs And Dogs, $ Cents...Turn key meats, for the dinners of holiday hits. Joys and Pains, bumps in the road, fires burning, hopes floating, searching for places to land, angels out to catch the seas of tears, cried for the wishes on stars...Friends, Lovers, Earth Angels, Fairies, Notes to share with the fake lovers, facts to share of the love and devotion, from a fairy or a frog. Love or hate, the flip sides of the coin, daily lessons to be learned. ...sinnhttp://housesinthewoodswolfnoticedone.blogspot.com/2015/09/beach-balls.html.....Happysongs to sing, happy tips and tales, lights to shine, goodness and mercy angels, hosts in the air, gods of peace, gods of wars, heaven and hell, angels to fall. Songs to the dead, songs to the undead, trips to the moods of moons of lights. Lights and stars, darkness to back, heat and hearts, birds and bees. Dogface butterflies, birds and bees, songs for the mothers, songs for the dead. Judge not today, judge not tomorrow, Jesus Christ, monkey to hang, stories and history already created. Sheep and goats, horns to blow, love and hate, goat horns to see. Dances in the dark.
Common Walls, Jails And Prisons, Walls for knights to guard. Nightmares to deal with the fake friends that leave you to swing in the wind, happy to save their own skin, happy to keep heads in the sand.Out of the RV camping lifestyle shared with Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, don't be stupid, ask the questions you need to. Schools of Hard Knocks, Stories To Share. Pearls of Wisdom: New American Funding, 800 827 7283: